Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Auburn Baby Shoes

I actually made these little shoes a while back ago, and I had plans to post them right when college football was first starting. Procrastination gets the best of me sometimes. I made these for my cousin's baby girl. My cousin and his wife met each other while attending college at Auburn University. Needless to say, they are huge Auburn fans.

I wanted to make something fun for their daughter when football season rolled around, but it was painful for me to use these colors.
See, I'm a University of Alabama fan. Auburn is our biggest rival. But I set my color pride aside and brought out the orange and the blue. It wasn't so bad, and I think they turned out quite cute.

I love the felt buttons. It's almost like they were made just for these shoes. I was at the store looking for regular plastic buttons, and I came across these.

Stay tuned for more Auburn attire.