Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Okay, check out my labels. Aren't they so cute!?! I ordered them from Jennifer's Jewels on etsy. These are fray proof, and she has a ton of different labels. If you need custom printed labels, check her out. If you've never heard of etsy, you've got to check it out. It's like going to a craft show without even leaving your house. It's a website where crafters can sell their homemade things, and there are some adorable things on there like jewelry, clothes, accessories, and a thousand other things, too!

If you haven't read my story of how I came up with this label name, it was my nickname that my great-grandmother Durrett gave me when I was a little girl. My first name is Margaret (however, I go by my middle name, Maryanna), which was her name and is my grandmother's and mother's name. Since Maggie is a nickname for Margaret, and my cheeks were always rosy, that's where this "Maggie Pink Cheeks" came from. She called my sister (Catherine), "Suzy Sunshine." Don't ask me where "Suzy" came from, though because I have no clue.

Tribute to my great-grandmother

Grandmother Durrett died over 2 years ago at age 100. She was the sweetest and cutest little lady. We called her "Mrs. Proper" because she'd always know the answers to any etiquette question, and she also practiced proper etiquette ALL THE TIME!!! Sweet Grandmother Durrett... we miss you, and we'll see you again when we are with Jesus.

This is Grandmother playing "Jesus Loves Me" on the piano with Jeremy.


  1. I'm giggling just thinking about sweet Grandmother entertaining us. I think this was just a few weeks before she went to heaven......
    Illu mucho,

  2. I have a lot of fun memories of Grandmother Durrett, even though I only knew her for a short time!

  3. This is precious! It makes me think of my because she played piano, the other because she was spry to the it appears yours was!

  4. I miss Grandmother Durrett!
