Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tailor-Made Tea Bags

Happy Mother's Day!

Wow! I haven't made a post since 2008... This is loooong overdue.
I saw this idea in the Martha Stewart magazine, and I knew it's what I wanted to make my mom for Mother's Day. She loves tea, especially mint.

I didn't use the embellishments that Martha used (yes, we're on a first name basis) because I really didn't want to spend money on tools that I probably wouldn't ever use again. I had some of these flowers left over from scrapbooking, and they worked out perfectly. However, I did buy the cotton string.

I wish I would have bought a larger tin so more tea bags would have fit, but I've promised the rest of the tea bags at a later time. I cut out some scrapbooking paper to fit the inside of the tin's top so the tea bags could be labeled.

Each flower represents a specific tea flavor

I used cheesecloth for the actual tea bag. I cut out a rectangle (8-in x 16-in) and put 2 TBSP loose tea at the center of the top. I rolled it up and folded both sides over and tied with the cotton string. Then I put a flower at the tip of the string and tied a knot so the flower wouldn't fall off.

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