Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pete, the Pumpkin Penguin

Meet Pete:

My brother-in-law's girlfriend absolutely loves penguins. Every time I see a penguin, I think of her. I was browsing blogs this past week, and I came across this penguin pumpkin... I knew right off the bat who I was going to make it for.

Making this little pumpkin was easy, and it sure was therapeutic after a hard week at work. If you get the urge to make one, the directions are on the Wyldhare's Hollow website.

Have fun, and Happy Halloween!


  1. It turned out great! I think your beak turned out better than mine too!

  2. How adorable! I'll bet Kiser loved it! Illu!

  3. I absolutely love my penguin pumpkin!! It's actually still sitting out in my room!! He is the cutest thing in my room, well except for Henry!! Thanks so much for making it for me!!!!

  4. Aw, Kyser... I'm glad you like it. Everytime I see a penguin I think of you. :)
