Saturday, February 27, 2010

Crochet Newsboy Hat

I've been on a crochet binge here lately. I made 3 hats last weekend, one hat this week, a flower, and I'm working on a pair of baby booties. It's very addicting. I made this particular hat for my cousin's baby that was born in November (I'm a little late on that one). I bought this pattern from adrienneengar's shop at etsy. I was really surprised at how fast this came together. I think it's because of the hook size and the thickness of the yarn.

I found myself dreaming about crochet a couple of nights ago. I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason and started dreaming of crochet stitches as I drifted back to sleep. It wasn't one of those frustrating dreams like you are taking a test and you can't figure out the answers to the questions to save your life (I still have those, too!). It was a dream that my head was lying on a pillow of soft yarn that I was making into crochet stitches.
I know I'm weird. You don't have to tell me. :)


  1. OK....If your head was laying something, that's why your dream was wierd! know me and my verbs!
    This hat is soooo cute! I like the little front. It looks like something Jamie would buy to wear! I love the color, too. Can't believe it went so fast!

  2. Wow!! I love it. You are on fire with crochet. You are really good at it.

  3. Mama, I've corrected my grammer now. :) "Laying" and "lying" are words I never really understood when to use.
