Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Shoes

Look at these cute little shoes. I bought a pattern for shoes, and this is how they turned out. The pattern says that it will take about 30 minutes to make, but it took me a good 3 hours. Um, can we say s.l.o.w.... My 2nd pair took 2 hours.

I'm not sure how comfortable these would be for a baby because of the seams inside the shoe, but they sure will look cute. Maybe socks would help with the comfort??? I also think that the ribbons will come untied really easily, but a double knot may work better.

I got the pink and brown fabric and the zebra fabric from Hobby Lobby. Small prints work better since the shoes are so small.

These sizes are for newborns, but next I'll probably make them bigger. What if the babies have big feet?


  1. Your stuff is sooo cute! You are so crafty & you bake!

  2. These look so awesome!!

    I am a new reader to your blog, but I love what I see so far. You commented on my Good Tastings blog giveaway, and I've been reading all the commentors blogs tonight. Yours is so great!

    I've nominated you for an award, so come on over and claim your prize at

    Have a great night!
    Beth at Unskinny Boppy
