Sunday, November 2, 2008


My newest project is sewing bibs. I've only made 2 so far, and they are pretty easy. I haven't mastered putting on a snap (I think there may be a tool for that), so I did a velcro attachment. These are pretty large bibs. I did a medium size one... maybe for a big baby (like I was) or a small toddler. For the back, I did terry cloth because Hobby Lobby doesn't have chenille fabric. Terry cloth is less expensive but not as soft. The soft minky fabric would be a good backing, too!

I used a fabric from the Sandi Henderson collection for the pink bib, and the polka dotted fabric is from Hobby Lobby.

These will make great gifts for the mom-to-be along with some matching burp cloths (later project) and appliqued onesies.


  1. These are cute. They'd be cute with an applique on them, too!
    Illu mucho,

  2. Hey girl! I looove these bibs and dresses! I know about a million pregnant women. So, you need to let us know how to make an order! :)

    I just loooove reading your blogs! I wish we lived closer together, because I would be at your house every weekend making you teach me these things!

    I got a sewing machine for my birthday two years ago, and I've never used it! I want to learn how to make drapes and pillows and such. How did you learn?

  3. Hey Maryanna!

    Your bib and burp cloth are cute! I bought a sewing machine about 3 years ago, but didn't get to use it much until recently when I FINALLY got a sewing table! We have a ton of friends having babies and my machine does embroidery so I've been doing a lot of that lately but haven't done much sewing. Did you make the patterns for you bib and burp cloth yourself or did you find them somewhere? I'm looking for stuff to make for my sister who is having a baby in September and I found an AWESOME blanket pattern, but haven't really found a bib or burp cloth that I like yet. I like yours, and I love your little tags!
