Sunday, November 30, 2008


This is my first burp cloth to sew, and it's so cute. My sister's roommate wanted a burp cloth to go along with the bib (made with this same fabric) I made for her to give as a baby gift. I used the Alexander Henry 2-D Zoo fabric, and I think it's so cute for a boy. They look like little animal crackers on fabric. I bought the fabric from ebay because I can't find it in fabric stores where I live.

I used chenille on the back of the cotton fabric because it's very soft AND absorbent.... practical for it's use. It's about 8.5 x 15-inches.

While sewing this, I ran out of thread on my bobbin (bottom spool). Well, I spun the thread on the bobbin, and when I went back to sew, my needle went crazy. I took the whole bottom of the sewing machine apart only to find that I didn't thread it right. Mercy! Well, at least it was a quick fix. Whew.... thank you Lord!


  1. It's just as cute in person!

  2. Oh my gosh! Seriously, you make the CUTEST things! You need to put this stuff on etsy so I can buy it! :)

  3. Did I give you the extra bobbin threader for Christmas? I thought about it when I first read this blog. If you don't want/like/need it, you can probably take it back to Hancock's.
    Illu mucho.

  4. Taking apart the bottom of the sewing machine DONE THAT and I was SO afraid I was going to break something. I got my machine and then got married so I only got to go to one class so I feel like I'm WAY over my head. Some of the first things that I made were placemat purses because they were super easy and cute. Now I'm using the embroidery component more than the sewing option. I haven't tried applique yet, but have found some really cute things. I got a t-shirt jammed in the bottom of my machine one night while I was trying to embroider, first attempt at stretchy fabric and I have since learned to double stabilize, but I was terrified that I had broken the machine because it was SO stuck that I couldn't get the hoop off! It took me almost and hour to get it unstuck and get all of the bobbin thread that was knotted up out of it!

