Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pillowcase Dress

I've always loved these little dresses. I think originally they were made out of pillowcases, but now most of them are made out of cut fabrics. This one was not a good first one to make because it was a little hard getting the circles straight. I think I did okay, though.

This little dress is great because it acts as a dress for baby girls and a long shirt for older girls... so it's not one of those pieces of clothing that only lasts a season. During the winter, the child can wear a turtle neck and tights underneath. It's perfect for all seasons!


  1. OH MY GOSH! That is the cuuuuuutest thing ever!!

  2. I will so pay you to make one for Morgan!!!

  3. girl for real tell me how much I could pay you to make one of these for morgs!
