Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

My hubby gave me a dozen of these beautiful lipstick pink roses. I've been enjoying the scent of them every time I walk by.

I've also been working on another tutu, so I played around and dressed my doggy up like a bride. I laughed so hard because I felt like a 2 year old torturing my male dog by playing dress-up. I'm so sorry, Charlie! I'll never do it again. :)

Look at those eyes begging me to take off the veil.

1 comment:

  1. O.K., Maryanna. Charlie has enough problems without confusing him about his sex! :-) Although....when I was young, the Rotary Club in A'ville used to have a fundraiser that brought down the house...a womanless wedding! You participated in a Tom Thumb wedding which was really sweet, but the all male wedding was hilarious! Illu mucho, even if you do dress the dog!
